Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012

Dark with streaks of light this morning, light low in the sky slowly fading the night into day.  Stillness hangs among the branches and the silhouettes of leaves are like a dark painting on a moving canvas of light.  Monday mornings are always a little harder to get started, especially when the weekend was busy, full of putting up pictures, cleaning out things to make more order, and, of course, grading papers and cards.  I did not realize that 20 students would seem like so many more than 16, but it does!  Now that I am organized, it should be easier, but I'm not counting on it!  Just because I have a plan, especially on a Monday . . .

The Plan

All right, here’s the plan
I plan on making,
When I get around to it:
I plan for the sun to rise
And after that I don’t know
What I plan until I make
A plan for the next moment.

I am expert plan maker.
I have had lots of practice.
I plan to write a book about plans,
How you can have a daily plan,
Plan events; mark your calendar;
Manage time; be organized;
There’s nothing to making a plan.

The remarkable thing, the killer,
Is to plan what you will do
When your plan falls through,
And there is always solution,
As you might have guessed,
Make a new plan, here’s where
All that practice comes in.

Oh, and about your plan
For the plan for when the plan
Doesn’t quiet work out?
I’m sorry to say there are days
When that plan, too, will miss.
Things change, be ready,
Some day the sun won’t rise.

End of plan.

S. Crowson 

Today, however, it looks like the sun will rise and so I had better get going.  A breeze has begun to ease in between the leaves, and yellow and pearl are lighting further up into the sky reaches.  I am packed up, organized, and ready to begin.  We'll see how well all this planning goes, at least, if this plan doesn't work out, there are always more plans to be made, and not every change is a dreadful one, some are just annoying, and some actually make us laugh at the world and at ourselves!  So make a bunch of plans today!  Anticipate change!  Be ready!  You never know what will happen, but . . <smile> something will! 

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